You are always where you need to be - Olivia Podobea

I am Mihaela, the one learning not to be more stubborn than necessary.

Whether you're looking at things from a leader's perspective or you're an employee, I'm almost certain you've often felt like there isn't enough time to do everything you want, that things aren't falling into place, or that the projects you're thinking about are progressing slowly and seem to stubbornly refuse to be completed.

Often, when we go through such a period, where it feels like nothing connects, I used to stubbornly force things, and the whole situation was so exhausting that it overwhelmed me. Then, trying to change something about my attitude towards these moments, I decided not to be stubborn anymore but rather to accept that when things don't connect, they are not meant for me.

I know it can be hard to see things this way, especially when it's about a job you desperately want or a project that could bring in significant revenue.

To give you a better understanding, let me share a story. A year and a half ago, I decided to move from one city to another and change my job. Before making this move, I felt the need to change something in my life because I had many dissatisfactions, was stuck in a routine that wasn't good for me, and wanted something different.

At interviews, I was rejected, I wasn't very clear on whether I wanted to change cities or when I would do it, and often I was tempted to insist on doors that should have remained closed. Until one day, an opportunity arose to get a job at a corporation in my hometown – a place I dreamt of returning to in my old age, not at 32. I accepted (admittedly without thinking too much). Things fell into place so quickly that within a month, I was in another city, another house, with another job, and in a completely different environment.

That's when I realized that when things are meant for you and your path is "over there," everything will happen easily, without insistence. Of course, you still need to take initiative, try to develop yourself, and look for the way to achieve your dreams, but if you feel that things aren't connecting and something isn't as it should be, change the path to what you desire and remember:


You are always where you need to be and this is the path to your dream because you can learn from any experience.

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