
An Executive Coach works with managers and leaders who want to take their personal or team performance to a new level

Olivia Podobea - career coaching

Executive Coach?

You need an Executive Coach if you want to:
Progress in your career in the company where you are now employed
Choose a new external role/job
Be prepared for future opportunities
Overcome the feeling that you don't know how to handle a goal or how to lead your team
Get your work life and personal priorities in order
Actively manage career risks, such as unemployment or dismissal of yourself or people in your team
Train for a successful career



In which category
are you?


Fresh out of college, maybe with some work experience. Do you have a job that doesn't satisfy you and wonder if that's what the rest of your life will be like?
In this case, it's necessary to make a change

Major change in personal life

You got married or have a child. When something big happens in your life and you start to question your job, it's time to call a Career Coach.

You were fired

At 40, 50 or 60. Everything seemed to be going well and you didn't expect such a decision. Which way to go at a time like this?

Retirement is coming soon

However, you're not ready to retire yet. Maybe you still need extra money, you're in good health, you have certain goals, but you're not sure what life will look like after retirement.

You work in a team

The team often needs to realign the vision to ensure the effective advancement of the business. We find out together where the company is now and where we want it to go.

What to expect from
an Executive Coach?

Once you decide to work with an Executive Coach, it's ideal to set your goals and have clear expectations about what you want.

An Executive Coach will support you in finding the tools and methods to resolve any conflicts or doubts about your career. Depending on your goals, after going through a coaching programme, you will have a concrete plan and methods to act effectively.

Identify your strengths, skills that need improvement and factors that set you apart from others with a dedicated Executive Coach. I will support you to build a strategy to transform your career.
A strong personal brand
You'll get noticed more easily by recruiters or employers if you have a unique profile and an effective digital presence. We'll work together to plan the creation of a compelling image and CV, with constant online views and activity.
Embrace the opportunities
Maximise your strengths and identify your transferable skills to expand beyond your professional boundaries. This will help you reach your next career goal.

What I do for you
if you are employed

Identifying motivation
I will guide you to identify the motivation behind the job change

How we work: about an hour in a coaching session.
I guide you to know your resources - values, skills, talents, hobbies, interests, personal style.

How we work: about an hour in a coaching session.
CV building + LINKEDIN
Do you want a resume or Linkedin profile to help you get a position in a different field of work and find it hard to restructure because everything seems relevant? I can do this for you once I understand exactly what your goal is.
If you want to further promote yourself as a person or business on Linkedin, my role will be to turn your profile into your main personal or professional business card.

How we work: about an hour in a coaching session and then I will make the necessary changes myself.
Improve your CV/ Linkedin profile
I will do an analysis of your CV or Linkedin profile to give you clear and specific guidance on how to modify it so that it makes an impact for the position you want to get.
If you know exactly what position you want to apply for or what impact you want to have in social media, this type of service is for you.

How we work: two hours which includes both my preparation by studying the CV or LInkedin profile as well as the actual consultation session.
Design of the letter of intent
What is a letter of intent in the 21st century. How it is written, where it is included, how and to whom it is included.
My role will be to guide you so that you can write it as well as possible or even write it for you (in some cases).
Interview training

What I do for you
if you are a business owner

I optimise your role in your company
Are you a micro-business owner or freelancer and you can no longer cope with doing everything yourself so you want to delegate some of the tasks?

How we work: two hours of counseling to help you identify:
- what you're best at in your company
- what activities and how you can delegate to maximise results
- team profile - free - included in the price.
I'm your mirror
The reservoir of ideas and solutions seems to be almost empty and only because you've given so much already; but you're an entrepreneur, and more is needed!
But you are alone because you are on top!
I will train you in recruiting
Now it's your turn to be trained in creating the job description, building the profile of the ideal candidate, preparing the job notice, identifying the most suitable places to promote, selecting the right CVs from those you receive, preparing the essential questions for you and conducting the selection interview.
I will coach you in developing your team
You're at the top because it's your company; but you also need to calibrate your ideas, motivations and action mechanisms because you're human too, aren't you?
Whom could you talk to?

Let's get to know

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