Focus on the important things!

Once upon a time in December...

You may remember that last November we ran a special Black Friday offer.

The offer consisted of one month of group coaching at a special price. Special thanks go to everyone who signed up and accepted my challenge to evolve. Ending a tough year with personal development and starting the new year in a fresh way is one of the best decisions anyone could make.

In this group we trained members from Monday to Friday and weekends were dedicated to each member's determination. And as well as helping them to realise things about themselves and their lives, and to grow personally, I also had an achievement.


Intentions and lists

My biggest realization has been that people are indeed used to organizing through lists. But they use lists just out of habit - not because it works better if they write down everything they have to do in a day. In fact, lists give them a big burden, even if by the end of the day they manage to check most activities off the list.

So I had a recommendation for them. And now I'm going to tell you!


My advice to you

If you insist on working with lists, whether it's tasks you give yourself or tasks someone else has delegated to you, you need to do one important thing.

After you create the list choose one item, the most important. This item is the task that will help you feel fulfilled at the end of the day, even if you don't cross any other items off your list. This will be the core of your list.

Once people in my coaching group started doing this they were able to clarify their goals. Moreover, they realized that they are much more productive than before because they focus on the core task and feel much more motivated afterwards.

My advice to you is to minimize your list as much as possible and focus on one important task. You'll feel much more accomplished at the end of the day!



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