
Olivia Podobea October 2020 - OliviaPodobea

A life lived in harmony must be built on strong values. What are yours? These values are the principles that guide us through life. Standards of behavior, if you want to call them that. You have to set your own values based on what you believe in, based on what kind of person you want to become. The role...

Ai auzit de coaching și de consultanță. ??? ?̦??? ???? ???? ????????̦? ?̂???? ???? Lucrând spre a-ți îmbunătăți cariera cu siguranță te-ai întâlnit cu acești doi termeni. Dar oamenii nu clarifică întotdeauna – Ce este coaching-ul? Ce este consultanța? ?? ???? ??????̦? ????? ?̦? ??????? ??̆ ????????? ????????̦? ?????? ? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ??????...


You probably think you know the difference between coaching and therapy. Ask yourself what you would choose between these two. I invite you to read about the difference between them to see if you made the right choice. A therapist only works with past trauma. Past traumas that do indeed affect the client's future and present. But a...

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